14-10-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The key to all treasures is the one word “Baba”.
Today, Baba, the Bestower of Fortune, is seeing His fortunate children. All have become fortunate, but in front of the word, “fortunate”, some are one hundredfold fortunate and others are multimillionfold fortunate. The word fortunate is used for both types of fortune. However, there is a vast difference between being one hundredfold fortunate and being multimillionfold fortunate. The Bestower of Fortune is the same, and the method that He uses is the same. The time is the same, and yet you become numberwise. The method that the Bestower of Fortune uses is so elevated and easy! In the world, when people experience a bad omen, their fortune changes. Therefore they try many different ways to end that bad omen and make their fortune elevated. They spend much time, energy and money on that. Even then, they are only able to make their fortune for a short period. Because they don’t change their fortune through the Bestower of Fortune they don’t have the guarantee for even one birth. They experience temporary attainment through limited human beings who only have limited powers. There, those people are limited human beings whereas here, you have the Bestower of Fortune. You can have your line of fortune eternally drawn by the Bestower of Fortune, because both Fathers are Bestowers of Fortune and are everpresent at this time for you children. At this time, you can take as much fortune as you want from the Bestower of Fortune. It is only at this time that the Bestower of Fortune comes to distribute this fortune. According to the drama, the present time has this blessing. The overflowing treasurestore of fortune is open and there are no guards over them. Neverthless, you become numberwise in claiming this. The Bestower of Fortune doesn’t bestow fortune numberwise. You don’t have to queue here to take it, do you? At amrit vela, all you children from this land and abroad come to celebrate a meeting with the Bestower of Fortune at the same time. So, you are able to have a meeting. To celebrate a meeting is to receive. You don’t have to ask for anything, but when you receive something from the greatest Father of all it means you attain your fortune. One is the meeting of the Father with the children, and the other is when you find something. Therefore, you celebrate a meeting and you also receive some fortune, because an important, wealthy person would never send anyone away emptyhanded. Therefore, the Father is the Bestower of Fortune, the Bestower of Blessings, with an overflowing treasurestore. How could He send you away emptyhanded? So then, how is it that you become fortunate, one hundredfold fortunate, a millionfold fortunate and multimillionfold fortunate? The Bestower is there, the treasures of fortune are overflowing, and the present time also has this blessing. You have the knowledge, that is, the understanding of all of these things. You are not ignorant of these things, and yet why is there a difference? (It is according to the drama.) Even drama has received a blessing at this time. Therefore, you can’t say that it is the drama.
The method is so easy! Baba doesn’t tell you to labour over anything, He neither makes you stumble nor does He make you spend anything. The method is of just one word. What is the one word? Do you know the one word? The one word is the key to all treasures and an elevated fortune. The key and the method are one and the same. What is it? The key and the method is just the one word “Baba”. All of you have this key, do you not? So why is there a difference? Why does the key stick? Instead of turning it to the right, you turn it to the left. Instead of thinking of your eternal self, you start thinking about others. This means to turn the key the wrong way. Instead of looking at yourself, you look at others. Instead of changing yourself (badalna), you feel you want to seek revenge (badla lena). Instead of transforming yourself, you want others to change. Instead of doing the work yourself and glorifying Baba’s name, you want Baba to do the work and glorify your name. This is how you turn the key the wrong way. Then, even though all the treasures are offered to you, you’re unable to attain them and so you remain deprived of your fortune. You are the children of the Bestower of Fortune and yet what do you become? You become those who just take a drop. What else do you do?
In the world outside also, people keep their valuables locked away in lockers or safes. To open them you need to use two keys or turn the same key twice. If you don’t use this method, you can’t get access to your treasures. In the bank lockers, you would have seen that you are provided with one key and the bank keeps another key. Therefore, there are two keys. If you were to try to open your locker with your key alone, you would be unable to do so. Here too, you need the key of the remembrance of the self and the Father. Some of you children are very intoxicated with yourselves. You say that you know everything, that you’re able to do whatever you want and can inspire others to do what you want, that the Father has made you into a master. With this wrong intoxication of the consciousness of “I”, you forget your relationship with the Father and consider yourself to be everything. You try to open the locker with one key. You want to experience all the treasures but, you cannot have access to the treasures without the Father’s cooperation and company. Therefore, you need a double key. Instead of belonging to BapDada, instead of the two Fathers, some of you children try to use a method of belonging to just the one Father to become a master of the treasures. By trying this method, you deprive yourselves of all attainment. You think, “I have a direct connection with the Incorporeal. The corporeal one also attained everything from the Incorporeal, and so I can do the same. What need is there for the corporeal one?” However, such a key becomes a broken key and you therefore, become unsuccessful. The amusing thing is that you call yourselves Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, and yet you only have a connection with Father Shiva! You should call yourselves Shiv Kumars and Kumaris. Why do you call yourselves Brahma Kumars and Kumaris? Your surname is “The Brahma Kumars and Kumaris who belong to the clan of Shiva, and so you have a relationship with both Fathers.
Secondly, Father Shiva revealed Himself through Father Brahma. Through Brahma, He adopted (revealed) the Brahmand. He didn’t do it alone by Himself. Mother Brahma gave you an introduction to Father Shiva. Mother Brahma gave you sustenance and made you worthy of the Father’s inheritance. Thirdly, when you experience your reward of your fortune of the kingdom, with whom will you come down? The Incorporeal One will have become the Resident of the incorporeal world. You will experience the reward of the physical fortune of the kingdom with sakar Brahma. In playing your hero part in the physical form, do you have a connection with Father Brahma or the Incorporeal One? So how could you become the master of the treasure of all fortune without the corporeal one? Therefore, don’t use a broken key. The Bestower of Fortune distributes fortune through Brahma. You cannot create your fortune without becoming a Brahma Kumar or Kumari.
There is a memorial of this also. When you sing praise of your fortune, you ask: “Were you sleeping when Brahma distributed the fortune?” Were you lost in sleep or were you just lost? Therefore, do not use the wrong key, use the double key. There is the double Father, and it is double in terms of you and the Father. With this easy method, and with the treasure of constant fortune, you can become multimillionfold fortunate. Find a solution to the cause of the problem and you will become complete. Do you understand? Achcha.
To those who have made the Bestower of Fortune belong to themselves; to those who constantly play with all the treasures of fortune; to those who don’t just say, “Baba, Baba”, but who have made “Baba” belong to them and have thereby attained all treasures; to such children who have all rights, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups:
You have heard a lot, but you now have to become embodiments of all you have heard, do you not? This is called “manrus”. Simply to listen means to please your ears (“kanrus” ears = kan). But to listen and to become is to please your mind (“manrus”). The mantra you are given is manmanabhav, to focus your mind on the Father. When your mind is occupied with something, it is easy to become an embodiment of that. For example, wherever you are sitting when your mind goes towards something of joy and happiness, your form would become like that. So, “manrus” means your mind becomes the form of whatever is occupying your mind. The time for pleasing your ears has come to an end. It is now the time to please your mind. So what have you now become? You are masters of the treasures of fortune. You have become the most elevated souls. As is the Father, so are you. Do you consider yourselves to be like this? You have been told about the key and also of the way to use the key. It is now your duty to use it. Do you know how to use the key? If you turn the key the wrong way, it will be very difficult. You will lose both the key and the treasures. Therefore, all of you are multimillion fold fortunate souls who use the key in the right way, are you not? What is the sign of those who are multimillionfold fortunate? They have a lotus (padam) at their feet at every step, and they also earn multimillions (padmapadam) at every step they take. They would not deprive themselves of earning multimillions in even one step. Therefore, you are double padam: a lotus flower is also called a “padam”. If you are not like a lotus flower then you are not able to create your fortune. To trap yourself in dirt means to lose your fortune. To be multimillionfold fortunate means to stay like a lotus and earn multimillionfold. Therefore, check whether you have both these signs. Are you constantly detached and loving to the Father? The Father loves your detachment. The more detached you are, the more you will be loved by the Father because the Father Himself is constantly detached. So, then you become equal to the Father. Therefore, check whether you are accumulating an income of multimillions at every step, at every second, in every thought, word and action. Your words should be powerful. Your actions should be powerful. Your thoughts should be powerful. When these are powerful, you will be earning an income. When these are wasteful, you will be losing your income. So each one of you should check your own chart. The correct way of checking is to check yourself before doing anything. If you check yourself after doing something, then you would already have done what you should check. Therefore, first check yourself and then do whatever you have to. The sign of your being sensible and a knowledgeable soul is that you would first consider everything before you do it. If you think about everything after doing it, then you lose half and only gain half. If you think before you act, then you gain fully. You gyani and sensible souls should not just check yourselves at night and in the morning, but also check yourselves before doing anything. Only then should you do whatever you have to. It is just as important as when some people first have to have their food inspected before they eat it. Your thoughts are also food for your intellect. This is why you children first have to check your thoughts before you accept them, that is, then you put them into practice. By just checking your thoughts, your words and actions will automatically be checked. The seed is the thought. Throughout the whole cycle there is never anyone as important as you.
Do you perform every action as a karma yogi? Does your karma and yoga constantly remain combined? Just as a soul and its body both work together in a combined way, in the same way, does your karma and yoga remain combined? Whilst acting, you should not forget remembrance and whilst sitting in remembrance, you should not forget your karma. Many children forget to have remembrance when they go onto the field of action. This proves that their karma and remembrance are separate where in fact, the two should be combined. Your very title is “karma yogi”. Those who remain in remembrance whilst acting would always be detached and loving. They would remain light and not experience any action to be a burden. In other words, a karma yogi is a lotus flower. So, do you live like a lotus flower? You don’t let any type of dirt, that is, any vibrations of Maya, touch you sometimes, do you? Does Maya come to you sometimes or has she bid you farewell and gone away? You don’t make Maya sit with you, do you? To invite Maya to sit with you means to step away from the Father. Therefore, become knowledgeable of Maya and chase her away from a distance. When you are knowledgeable you know on the basis of your experience how and when Maya comes. Maya takes birth through your weakness. Maya will enter wherever you have any type of weakness. When you are physically weak, many germs of various illnesses can be created. In the same way, when a soul is weak, Maya can take birth. The cause of the illness is your own weakness and the cure is in every day’s murli. Each day’s murli is fresh and nourishing food. The food you receive every day is filled with whatever powers you need. Those who take nourishing food every day cannot become weak. You do eat this food every day, do you not? You don’t need to fast with this food. By taking this nourishing food every day, you will remain master almighty authorities. Together with eating this food, you also need the power to digest it. If you only have the power to listen but not to churn it, then too, you cannot become powerful. The power to listen is like eating food and the power to churn is like digesting the food. When you have both of these powers you cannot be weak.
Meeting the teachers: The speciality of those who serve is their renunciation and their tapasya. When you servers have renunciation and tapasya, you will always be successful. A server means one who has no one but the one Father. The one Father should be your whole world. When the Father is your whole world, what else would you want? You should not be able to see anyone but the Father. Whilst walking and moving around and eating and drinking, you should see no one but the Father. To keep this in your awareness means to become an embodiment of success. When you don’t have much success, check that no one has come between you and BapDada. The sign of your being an image of success is that the one Father is your whole world.
Blessing: May you be an egoless and incorporeal master of the world by having the awareness of being a child.
Even those who are masters of a large country, a great deal of wealth or a large family, all are children in front of the Father. When you Brahmin children become Baba’s children, you are carefree emperors. Then, in the future, you become the masters of the world. To become a child means to transform your limited life. Remaining in the awareness of being a child constantly enables you to experience the egoless and incorporeal stage. A child is a little child who is protected from Maya.
Slogan: To please yourself with external facilities and external service is to deceive yourself.
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